Overseeing Construction

The first phase of the Memorial is scheduled to open this fall. Through regular site visits and meetings with the contractor and our collaborators, PWP continues to advocate for a Memorial that will endure through the ages.

Tree Installation

The trees are craned into place by Kelco Landscaping after the surrounding plaza was constructed and prepared for them.

Plaza Paving

Pavers are hand set using a sand-set paving method. Like European streets, the pavers can be lifted out and re-used whenever repairs are required.

Memorial Glade

Sod is rolled out over an engineered (compaction-resistant) soil mix for the lawn areas within the Memorial Glade.

Finishing Touches

In the days leading up to the opening, workers rushed to finish the plaza. All adjustments and repairs were finalized, and the plaza was given a final cleaning in time for the September 11th, 2011, opening.


The WTC District


Opening Day