Lead Designer PWP Landscape Architecture
in assocation with JPW
General Contractor: Lend Lease (formerly Baulderstone Pty Ltd), Sydney, Australia
Architect: WMK
Quarry Operation and Chief Stone Mason: Troy Stratti
Horticulturalist: Stuart Pittendrigh
Soils Engineer: Simon Leake, SESL Australia
Construction Observation: Tract Landscape Architects
Civil and Structural Engineers: Robert Bird Group and Aurecon
Hydraulic Engineer: Warren Smith and Partners
Construction Management: Evans and Peck
Marine Engineer: Hyder Consulting
Geotechnical Engineer: Douglas Partners
Traffic Engineer: Halcrow
Lighting Engineer: Webb Australia Group
Wayfinding and Signage: Emery Studio
Historic Interpretation: Judith Rintoul
History and Arts: Peter Emmett
Landscape Contractor: Regal Inovations
Plant Procurement Nursery: Andreasens Green