Stanford University Medical School Planning
Stanford University Medical School Planning
Palo Alto, CA
Completion Date
Stanford University
David Neuman
Master Planning
Health and Wellness
Stanford University Medical Campus, which includes Stanford University Hospital, Children’s Hospital, the Beckman Center, the Center for Clinical Science Research, the Clark Center for Biomedical Engineering and Sciences, and other academic and research units—has unpredictable needs. In this case, the development areas are too dynamic to allow for a precise, fixed plan with rigid standards, guidelines or procedures. The various pieces along with the rate of development of buildings, roads, utilities, and open space are subject to unforeseeable events, for example major new endowments or changing academic and administrative needs. Nevertheless, certain general requirements and relationships are foreseeable, and therefore broad strategies can be instigated and smaller plans carried out. Over the past fifteen years PWP, working with the campus planning staff, deans, and departmental chairs and committees, has provided a series of plans and preliminary designs that project and test various possibilities as new needs emerge. The plan for the Medical Campus is a continuing series of physical-planning studies that, over time, deal with opportunities and problems at many levels. Each study is informed by background knowledge of overall campus development, and each aspires to improve the functional and aesthetic quality of the Medical Campus.
Stanford University Campus Planner and Architect: David Neuman